Pushing Back Against The Left – Revere Blog https://revereblog.com Sat, 31 Dec 2022 15:35:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Pastor Ed Young on the Goals of the Militant Left https://revereblog.com/2021/10/pastor-ed-young-goals-of-militant-left/ Sun, 24 Oct 2021 19:18:42 +0000 https://revereblog.com/?p=216 Pastor Ed Young challenges us not to be scared sheep when it comes to the demagoguery and militancy of the left in the United States. […]

Pastor Ed Young challenges us not to be scared sheep when it comes to the demagoguery and militancy of the left in the United States.

Pastor Ed Young, October 24, 2021:

If I took a poll and asked this worshipping family… “Are we in a crisis in our culture in our America?” I think they would be unanimity: Absolutely! Wherever you turn there is an SOS. 

But I think if you went to the White House or to Washington and asked the same question… “Are we in a crisis?” … They would say absolutely not! This is becoming America’s Finest Hour. Lenin would be pleased. George Soros is pleased. Saul Alinsky would be pleased. Karl Marx would be thrilled to death.

Because ladies and gentlemen we need to understand something. And a lot of those in the halls of Congress don’t get it. A lot of our commentators don’t get it. The idea “Man, don’t they know, don’t they understand, don’t they see what’s happening here and here and here?”

Sure! They know exactly what happens because if you wrote down a prescription and say “What has happened throughout history when a revolution is taking place, what has to take place first?”

And they have a checklist and as far as I can determine every standard is being addressed. You can take any one avenue of that. 

Take the thing of the police. Those who protect us:

  • Defund them. Cut down the number. Do not give them the backing of the county, city, government so they can do their job to protect us. 

What would be that motivation for the exploration, the explosion of crime in every area of America today? Why would anyone want that? 

One reason: So that the state would have to come and bail out i.e.  Chicago. Because obviously they cannot take care of their population as they are. So it is the total replacement of the local, the city, the county, the state by the Federal who comes in and now everything comes from the top down. 

The whole agenda, as I’ve said repeatedly, is to take America, a nation under God, and make it a nation under the State. 

And that is the whole process of [this] revolution. And the tragedy is that 5% of the population who is militant and committed to destruction and remapping and reconstituting a nation, 5% who are committed and militant and have really no moral standards, can totally change a country if the other 90 or 95% are like ostriches. And an ostrich puts its head in the sand.

We The People Are Free https://revereblog.com/2021/08/we-the-people-are-free/ Sat, 07 Aug 2021 19:29:18 +0000 https://revereblog.com/?p=205 Yes, it’s an ad for wine, but my goodness, what an ad. We love it.


Yes, it’s an ad for wine, but my goodness, what an ad. We love it.

The Left Deceives on Georgia Election Law https://revereblog.com/2021/04/left-deception-on-election-law/ Sun, 04 Apr 2021 17:07:51 +0000 http://revereblog.com/?p=175 Great video from the Wall Street Journal that helps push back on the left’s deception regarding Georgia election law.

Great video from the Wall Street Journal that helps push back on the left’s deception regarding Georgia election law.
